Pause for Purpose

Hi! My name is Brionna. I’m from Sandusky, Ohio (Cedar Point!). I currently reside in Columbus, Ohio (Go Buckeyes!). Really quick, I’m a lover of Jesus, a wife, mother, speech-language pathologist, and entrepreneur. I love volleyball, I’m a social butterfly, and I’ve been given the gift of gab.

Pressing on my heart

I’m writing this post in response to a pressing in my heart from God to minister to his people in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic. First and foremost, I hope you all are staying healthy during this difficult time. I’m continuously praying for everyone around our world who is sick in their bodies, healthcare workers, national and local governments, children, parents, educators, families, and every single one of us as we all have been impacted by this moment. Over the past couple of weeks we’ve all been processing the news of this global healthcare crisis. There has been a pause in our daily routines. This abrupt interruption has caused us to scramble in order to adapt to changes at home, work, business, in our finances, and a plethora of other areas. The world is on pause. I then realized how powerful this moment is. I said to God, “Wow...what is happening? The entire world has stopped. While we’re here, what do you want to say to me?” After prayer and spending time in the presence of God, he began speaking to me. During our time, God encouraged me to share his precious words with you today.

Pause For Purpose.

I believe for many of us this is a pause for purpose. I strongly believe God is using this situation to get the attention of his people. He is ready to reveal your purpose to you. So much so that the world has halted in order to heighten our awareness. The world needs your God gifts, but first we must sit at the feet of our heavenly father to receive it. He has to reveal it to you. You have purpose. You are needed. You are desired by God. Maybe you’ve been trying to figure out what you’re supposed to be doing. Jumping from one job to the next. Moving from one career path or business idea to another. Racing thoughts trying to figure out where you fit in our world. Do you feel stagnant at your job? Does it feel like you’re punching the clock simply to get paid? Have you been going through the motions? Maybe you’ve been racing through your daily schedule having yet to take time to thoughtfully think about your life. Do you feel lost? I want you to know God sees you. I encourage you to spend time with him today. Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Let me take a huge weight off of your shoulders and say it is not your job to figure out your life plans. God already knows the plans he has for your life; it’s already written. Every single part of your God purpose has been organized, strategized, anointed, blessed, and wrapped with a pretty bow glistening with favor and provision.

Seek Ye First

If you keep reading in the book of Matthew, chapter 7 verse 7 says, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” I know these scriptures are true because they’re alive in my life even right now. Three years ago, I started to become uncomfortable and uneasy at my job. Overall I was pretty happy at my place of employment. I loved my students and colleagues. The building I worked in was beautiful. I had access to so many supports and resources. God then began pressing on my heart. Something didn’t feel right anymore. I couldn’t shake the feeling. I had no idea what more God wanted me to do. I remember leaving work on my lunch break to sit in my car because the feeling was weighing on me. I said, “God what is it? I don’t know what else you want me to do. I’m a speech therapist and I love volleyball. That's all I really know how to do.” It was after that conversation I started seeking God like crazy for clarity. I was praying, journaling, fasting, and more praying. I read a book called “The Purpose Room” authored by Heather Lindsey. Then I waited...waited on the Lord to reveal his plans. He had my attention. I was at his feet. I was seeking. Knocking. Asking. After waiting on the Lord as he says to in his word, he fulfilled his promise in Matthew 7:7-8. I recall driving and God said by way of a thought that was not my own, “Open a private practice.” You see I did what he told me to do in his word and that was and still is to seek him first. Since that day of revelation, God and I have been on an amazing, beautiful journey. In 2017, I started my private practice traveling to homes and community places providing speech therapy to children in need and pouring out God’s love daily. Today, I have a brick & mortar practice located in Easton. God is faithful! My purpose was already written. I simply had to be a doer of his word and he took care of the rest.

God Loves You

In conclusion, I want to express that God desires a relationship with you. He loves you. He’s crazy about you. He dreams about the plans that he has for you. He longs for connection with you. He loves you so much. Jesus yearns for fellowship with his people. 1 John 4:19 says, “We love each other because he first loved us.” We live in a fallen world that is desperately in need of God’s love, grace, mercy, peace, and joy. He has a plan to bless the earth and you’re a part of that plan! I’ll leave you with one final promise from God that I meditate on often from the book of 1 Corinthians 2:9. It says, “That is what the scripture means when it says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” Your purpose is prepared by God. Here’s to discovering your God purpose during the pause.

With love,


Meet Bree!

Brionna Pickens is the owner of The Speech & Career Center located in the Easton area of Columbus, Ohio. She's a lover of God, wife and mommy. Bree is licensed by The Ohio Board of Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology and holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence from The American Speech and Hearing Association. Learn more about Brionna by following her on Facebook and Instagram. Check out The Speech & Career Center here.
